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What people are saying...

Beauty & The Beast - Barn Theatre - Augusta, MI

"Andrea Arvanigian is a convincing Belle, “the most beautiful girl in town,” “a beauty but a funny girl” and perfectly looks and sounds the part of Disney princess as she transforms from thoughtful, bookish daughter to grand belle of the ball [...] Together Grisham and Arvanigian evolve beautifully, and gracefully create the primary love story on which everything else hinges." - Marin Heinritz, Revue WM

"As Belle, Andrea Arvanigian is calmly courageous in the face of roaring hostility and, at home, stands her ground as the “odd girl” in town and the focus of the marital machinations of the ultra-arrogant Gaston, town strongman and egotist extrordinaire. Her strong soprano is well-displayed in her solos “Home” and “A Change in Me.”"

- Marcia Fulmer,


No Way to Treat A Lady - Broward Stage Door Theatre - Ft. Lauderdale, FL

"Cohen's score boasts solos, duets, trios, and quartets, and Loewy has cast actors who sing it well.  Arvanigian is especially beguiling as Sarah, a clever woman who goes against every bit of Moe's advice, yet wins his mother over anyway." - Christine Dolen,

"In a multi-faceted performance, Andrea Arvanigian plays Stone with a sophisticated, confident (but not arrogant), socially-proper, calm air, contrasting nicely with the knot of nerves into which Cunningham twists Brummel."

- Aaron Krause,

"One high point is a trio singing "I Have Noticed a Change" in which Moe is simultaneously pounded for attention by mom, girlfriend, and murderer. [...] The funniest scene is when the ultra-goy Sarah (played by Arvanigian) charms Flora during an inaugural visit with precisely targeted flattery, invoking some Yiddish she learned the night before and by dissing the hapless Moe who is standing in the room. [...] The performers' singing voices are strong and vibrant; the acting is adequate if not outstanding." - Bill Hirschman, Florida Theatre On Stage

9 to 5 - Glendale Centre Theatre - Los Angeles


"As for Andrea Arvanigian, the vivacious star of GCT’s recent Dirty Rotten Scoundrels may be a good decade younger than housewife-turned-office worker Judy, but she gives a performance so utterly winning that no one will be counting years, and certainly not when the New York-bound triple-threat belts out “Get Out And Stay Out” to audience cheers." - Steven Stanley - StageSceneLA



Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - Glendale Centre Theatre - Los Angeles


"I’ve now seen seven productions of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, including the original on Broadway, and Glendale Centre Theatre’s in-the-round revival is one of the best of the bunch, thanks to a triple-threat ensemble more than up to the show’s many singing-dancing-acting challenges.  As for the performances Brenner elicits from his three Equity guest artists and their non-Eq leading lady, all four deliver the comedic-vocal goods, and then some.  Glendale Centre Theatre hit the jackpot in giving the radiant Arvanigian her first GCT starring role. The leading lady is not only girl-next-door gorgeous as Christine, she’s got the comedic chops to land a sitcom lead given just a little bit of luck." - Steven Stanley - StageSceneLA



Songs For A New World - DOMA Theatre Company - Los Angeles


“ A heart-stoppingly talented Andrea Arvanigian […] took the stage with life affirming and thought provoking vocal performances.” Pat Taylor – The Tolucan Times


“Standout of the four member cast, Andrea Arvanigian has the vocal chops, the smooth dance moves and a riveting stage presence at her command...” CulturespotLA


“The apparent star of the show Andrea Arvanigian, who resembles a young Katie Holmes, was delightful to watch and hear, and she brought a charm to the production that was so wonderful it seemed as though she belonged in a completely different production.” Randall Gray – The California Theatre Critic –


“All of the singers are extremely talented, in particular the young and beautiful ingenue, played by Andrea Arvanigian.” Bonnie Priever –



NINE: The Musical - DOMA Theatre Company - Los Angeles


"Andrea Arvanigian gets her moment to shine in the fully staged “Folies Bergeres” (complete with costumed showgirls) as the 100-words-a-minute singing assistant Stephanie [...] delicious machine gun delivery..." Gil Kaan - Culture Spot LA


"I especially enjoyed Arvanigian’s portrayal of a Cahiers du Cinema critic […} It was refreshing and amusing to watch Arvanigian’s send-up of reviewers […] Judging by Ms. Arvanigian’s droll, prickly performance, contrary to her playbill blurb, her “dreams” are no “crazier” than Guido’s, and I look forward to seeing you again when next you step in front of the footlights."  Ed Rampell - LA Progressive



And The World Goes Round - Farmers Alley Theatre

"Andrea Arvanigian had the pipes to deliver material written for the likes of Liza Minelli." - mLive


"Arvanigian captures the disillusioned socialite who realizes she's missing something in "Colored Lights," while doing a fun, story-telling Liza number to open Act II with "Ring them Bells." - Encore Michigan


"Stephen Brotebeck brings together an incredibly strong cast of actors and singers with the ensemble of Andrea Rose Arvanigian, Liz Fallon, Jamey Grisham, Melana Lloyd and Michael McGurk. Together they mine the emotional possibilities and the humor of each song in what is constantly a high-energy production that is high on sex appeal."

- Encore Michigan



Late Night Broadway with John Treacy Egan


“The song "West End Avenue" from "The Magic Show" was a good showcase for the soaring voice of Arvanigian.”

William R Wood - Kalamazoo Gazette



Orbiting Astral Bodies - DOMA Theatre Co./Imaginary Theatre Co.


"Julia Max escapes life’s ferocity by building a cocoon for herself as she enables her roommate Claire (a radiant Andrea Arvanigian) to gorge on sleeping pills so she can meet her paramour Allen."


© 2013 by Andrea Arvanigian. All rights reserved

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